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How to Approach Basic Grooming (for Men Over 30)

Times have changed tremendously over the past few decades concerning how men approach and conduct basic grooming. Today, men find it more acceptable by the public at large to take care of themselves in a manner that was almost unthinkable a generation ago. Currently for men, basic grooming has expanded beyond just going to the barbershop for the routine haircut, tape, trim, or shave. Today, men are expected and try to approach basic grooming from an overall appearance perspective that includes:

  1. Getting older does not mean that gray hair has to be accepted. There is nothing wrong with men having gray hair, but many men have chosen to push back the appearance of gray hair by using hair dye to cover up their gray hair. Some men feel that dying their hair makes them look younger, which is possible depending on the amount of gray hair involved and the overall appearance of the men.
  2. Personal hygiene such as keeping ears and the nose clean is expected along with clean fingernails that are properly maintained.
  3. Facial hair is a feature that gives men an individual look and appeal. However, the facial hair must be kept under control and looking neat.
  4. Taking care of the skin has become an important part of basic grooming for men. The appearance of men’s skin can have a powerful impact on how men look, and it gives an indication of their personal grooming habits. Men should keep their skin properly cleaned and moisturized to look healthy and vibrant.

For men over 30, basic grooming is different than for younger men because generally there is a need for more personal attention to develop and maintain good health, keeping a youthful appearance, displaying good grooming habits, and maintaining a clean look. In addition as men age, basic grooming becomes more important related to self-esteem.

Basic grooming for men is often overlooked, but it is very important. In recent years, basic grooming has evolved into more than just getting a haircut. Today, basic grooming includes a wide array of aspects that all work together to show men in their best light. Moreover, as men move beyond the age of 30, basic grooming takes on an even more important role in their daily lives.

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