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5 most spread shaving questions and the answers to them

What secrets you should know about your facial hair maintenance? We have answers to 5 the most common questions.


#1. Are there the same rules for everyone?

The answer is no. Men have different hair types, according to this, there are different rules for thick or thin hair, sensitive or normal skin, etc. Every person is unique, so there are different rules for everyone.


#2. Are there proven techniques against ingrown hairs?

The key rule of the proper shaving without ingrown hairs is the good preparation of your hair and skin. The better skin condition you will have before shaving, the easier procedure (without ingrown hairs) you will get in result.  We strongly recommend taking a hot shower before the shaving. Use different facial scrubs, moisturizers, pre-shave and after-shave products. When the facial hair is lifted enough, it minimizes the possibility of ingrown hairs appearance.


#3. What should I do if I have already had ingrown hairs?

The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is exfoliation. Facial scrubs and moisturizers will be very handy in this case. Moreover, the golden rule: never go digging! It’s the worst thing you can do.


#4. Is there a difference between shave cream, shave gel, and shave foam?

Yes, there is a difference. All these products have the different amount of moisturizers and soap in their composition. In the most cases, gel and foam have more soap and less moisturizer, and cream conversely has more moisturizer and less soap in its compound. However, you should be careful because there are some differences between brands.


#5. Is there a difference between razors?

There are different types of razors; you can find single blade razor, many blades, electric, and so on. Of course, they are different. Which one to choose depends on your own preferences and the time you can devote to shaving.


We hope these answers will help you make your shaving routine more pleasant.

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