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4 ways to repair post-summer damage

If you notice that something is wrong with your hair, maybe it is the sun damage. The sun rays make worse the appearance of your hair, getting them thinner, weaker.  For instance, your hair can fade from direct rays and at the same time chlorine transforms your hair into a brittle  mess. The experts at the barber shop nyc recommend these tips, which can help you avoid rehab.

Tip #1. Pool

The chlorine makes your hair dry and dull. And for blondes there is a chance that, after a long stay in the pool your hair can become green. Of course the solution of this problem exists! The swim cap can help you to protect your hair, but not everyone is ready for this, especially if you are in public.

Fortunately, there are other solutions! After swimming in the pool immediately rinse your hair with running water. Then, apply a conditioner containing silicone, to restore the shine of your hair.

If you notice that your hair becomes green after the pool, it can be caused by a reaction of chlorine and protein! Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, use a “clarifying” shampoo.

Tip #2. Beachy Waves

Seawater contains salt, which can rough up the cuticle layer and cause the hair shaft to swell and feel dry.

To minimize the damage, it is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo after swimming, and apply a hydrating mask.

It is important not to let the salty wet hair dry in the sun. It will make a double damage!

Tip #3. Sun-Bleached Tresses

Too much sun exposure can be harmful for your skin and hair. When the sunlight hits the hair, it immediately begins to destroy it. This is especially noticeable when you have dyed hair.

Of course hat can help you to avoid this damage, but it is not always appropriate. Alternatively, use a slick silicone serum or spray through your hair before hitting the beach.

Tip #4. DIY: DO or DON’T?

You've already noticed, that there are many DIY tips on how to make your hair healthy.All of these tips have a bit moisturizing effect. They are not comparing with professional tools from the best barber shop nyc for hair care. Of course you can experiment, for example, you can put a mask on your hair with mayo and avocado. It's fun! But would you want to let your hair smell mayo after this? On the other hand,  if you're still interested in DIY recipes we advise you to choose the coconut oil.

Apply coconut oil only at the ends. If by chance it will get on the roots, hair becomes very fat. Leave it on overnight, shaking your head with a towel. The longer it will stay on your hair, the more benefits it will bring. In the morning  wash your hair with shampoo!
Your hair will shine!

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